7 Quick Fixes to Your Website That Can Increase Search Engine Visibility

Did you know? The search-engine giant, Google, processes more than 3.5 billion search results every day, making search engine visibility a vital parameter in determining your website’s success. Getting a good placement in search engine results is difficult, but there are a few recommended steps you can take that let the search engines know you’re there. Here are simple, yet effective SEO secrets, that can make your website rank higher in search results:

1. Full-Website Optimization

Optimize every page of your site. Without it, there’s no room for acquiring visibility in search engines at all. Ensure that you all your pages carry precise, quality, descriptive content that targets specific keywords without seeming unnatural or overstuffed.

2. Write Custom Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Define the text for your title tags and Meta descriptions instead of allowing the search engines to pick default text from the pages. This lets the search engine know what each page stands for, ranking them higher, and also increases click-through rate from users.

3. Get More Backlinks to Your Site

Despite a well-structured website with excellent content, it’ll not win you substantial brownie points with search engines unless you have backlinks pointing to your site. In simpler words, Google counts them as votes for your website and can help your site rank high.

4. No room for 404 Errors

404 errors can have a direct impact on the number of pages Google can index. Set up a 301 redirect or restore the pages once such errors pop up.

5. Improve Loading Speeds

Although not a vital factor in enhancing search engine visibility, it does make a difference. Apart from improving user experience, it also reduces bounce rate considerably. Optimize images, enable page caching, delete unnecessary Metadata and do not overload your website with unnecessary extensions, graphics or plug-ins.

6. Include Social Sharing Options

It’s probably the simplest move you could make to improve your website’s visibility considerably. While social shares don’t directly contribute to search engine rankings, it can act as link bait and generate more backlinks (Refer #3).

7. Get Images Indexed

An indirect route to your website is through Google’s image search. All the images you use in the site must carry appropriate titles, keyword rich descriptions, captions, and alt tags for them to be searchable. While these seven pointers barely scratch the surface of what SEO is all about, if done right, they can considerably improve search engine visibility!

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